First step
After you've decided to take action and solve your hair problem, it's time for us to take action together. the first step is to plan a consult from our homepage . We believe that a consult is a MUST to start a honest and a enjoyable journey !

Second Step

After you booked a consult we will determine the haircolour, volume and your needs so we can choose the HairSystem that’ll suit your own and personal needs . Also we will answer all of your questions extensively and take a second look at your end-result and discuss all of the important details to make your Hair-System journey a great one !
Third step
the big day
After we made a follow-up appointment for the installation of the HairSystem, it's finally here. Today is the big day. The day of change and finding yourself again. Today is the day we install the HairSystem and experience a big but positive change in your life.

Already know which hairsystem you need?

Already know which HairSystem you need? Or you need a seccond one? Go to our Shop and treat yourself with the HairSystem and products you need. After the payment , our staff will message/mail you for a consult/appointment.